One of the reasons for this is that most people don’t watch many old movies so, with the exception of a handful of classic films which have spanned generations of viewers, most of us don’t really know what’s come before us. I spend a lot of time watching old films, which I find in most cases fascinating. Old films are really used in two major ways by modern directors and movie execs:
The first is the least interesting objective of pure revenue generation / exploitation with the primary example being sequels. When Disney saw an opportunity to slap a modern face on the classic Parent Trap (1961) and released a “modern” version of it in 1998, their primary motivation was the dollar sign. In most cases, sequels are marginally successful from a financial standpoint but result usually in watered-down imitations from an artistic standpoint.

What’s fascinating is the second use of old film: when a great director uses their film to open a dialogue with a director of a classic film by borrowing elements of older films which inspire them while adding new value to it. Most people were blown away by Ridley Scott’s futuristic vision of the Earth in Blade Runner (1983), a screen shot of which is shown on the right. However, many elements of Scott's (and Philip Dick) vision were contained and clearly influenced by Fritz Lang’s Metropolis (1927), as shown below. In fact, Metropolis is clearly the ground-zero film which influenced not only Blade Runner but a whole host of favorites such as Back to the Future (1985) and Hudsucker Proxy (1994) and The Matrix (1999). While most people have not seen Metropolis, Robert Zemeckis, the Coen Brothers and the Wachowski Brothers clearly have.

Finally, no discussion of re-visiting old films would be complete without Quentin Tarantino, the self-professed film junkie who may be most adept in the world at taking old film concepts, stealing the best parts of them and creating a truly uniquely new and modern product from them, a la Pulp Fiction. Indeed, generations of future directors will be using his style of non-linear storytelling for many years to come.
Bottom line: there are a ton of great old films out there and hopefully this blog can serve to highlight some of the ones which have aged well and are worthwhile for a wide range of today's movieviewers to watch.
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